Free Printable Blog Post Checklist

So you’ve come up with an awesome blog post but you feel like there’s something missing. I have a snazzy blog post checklist that I’ve come up with and it’s a printable as well.

Grab this printable to ensure you've included everything you need in your blog post

Catchy Headline

What makes your readers want to click on your post? You need to add a catchy headline. Which post would you read? Chocolate chip cookie recipe or The softest chocolate chip cookie recipe you have to try? Both titles contain the keyword chocolate chip cookie recipe but one is definitely more inviting than the other.


When you are first deciding on your blog post topic, you will need to decide if it needs to be SEO optimized. Yes, that’s true, you don’t need to optimize every single post. If you have deal or coupon that expires or a giveaway that ends in 2 weeks, there’s no need to SEO optimize your post because you are going to be promoting via your social media channels. By the time the search engines have found you, your post will have expired.

Also if you’re writing a post about the 5 things you didn’t know you wanted for Christmas, people are not going to search for something they didn’t know they wanted, so that post would not need to be SEO optimized but would likely do better on social media.


If your goal is to monetize your site, make sure that you are including affiliate links within your post and adding the nofollow tag. This can be done by adding the code manually to the html or using a plugin like Ultimate Nofollow which allows you to check off a box when you are inserting links.

Pinterest Friendly Images

Your blog post is not going to shine without an awesome picture that is pinnable. I like images that are large and fit the width of your content, so I make my images 600×800 px tall you could even go to 900px tall.

Don’t forget to watermark your images so if it goes viral, readers will know what blog to head to and keeps your brand in front of new readers. This also protects your images from being stolen, hopefully.

If you’d like a blog post checklist that is printable. Add your email to the form below. You will receive an email within the hour with your download link.

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