Daily Blog Schedule to Grow Your Blog

There are only so many hours in a day and blogging is comprised of so much more than just creating a new post. After you publish a new post, who will read it other than your mother and best friend? You have to get your work out there, there’s blog promotion but then you have to work to grow those channels, there’s creating images, updating old posts, and not to mention all of that back end stuff your afraid to touch.


Do you need a daily blogging tasks to grow your blog? Tired of going nowhere with your blog? Get into a routine, and start to see your blog grow.Daily Blogging Tasks

If my main focus was blog growth and I was just starting out, the main focus of blogging for me would be to create content. Decide right away how many posts will you publish each week without killing yourself. You want to create quality content and not worry about the quantity of posts. But you do want to remain consistent so that your readers know what to expect.

Create content

My daily routine always involves creating content but i do it in batch work. I create worksheets for all of my posts for the week, then another day I’ll create all of the images, and then another day, I’ll write all of the posts. It’s hard for me to switch from design to writing so I have to group it all together. I also never write during the day. My kids are away and loud, I don’t write well at all without silence. You need to recognize your most productive times to take advantage of them.


We all have dozens of email sitting in our inbox that needs attention. Get focused, unsubscribe from any junk you don’t need or use Unroll.me to clean up your subscriptions for you. Answer any emails from readers or potential sponsors and brands. If there are any sponsored opps that are available then be sure to sign up for those that are applicable to you.

Social media

There’s no point to creating content if no one reads it. It will be a slow and steady growth in the beginning but the key is to keep going because we all started at zero and worked our way up.

Pinterest is a great source of traffic and you should be on there. Pin each of your posts to your blog board, this should be the first board on your Pinterest profile. From there you can pin it to relevant group boards, you could use a scheduler like Tailwind, to do this and you won’t forget where you pinned the post last and which ones you have yet to use. Follow new people and relevant interests to your niche so you can see what is trending in your niche.

Facebook requires a routine schedule, you can start with posting 2 or 3 times each day to your Facebook page, but you have to do it consistently to see a benefit and increase your reach. To get engagement and post likes or shares, ask questions, be personal and inviting to make others want to put in their two cents.

The Twitter feed moves much faster so you should schedule at least 5 posts, I personally do at least 10, to get your content out there. I love networking here, make relationships, thank readers for sharing your content and reach out to other bloggers in your niche as well as brands this way.

Google+ may not be a vibrant place to be now but I use it to quickly index my blog posts in hopes that they will be picked up via Google more quickly and generate SEO traffic.

Now that I’ve been doing this for awhile, I know where my audience is and I know where I need to focus my time because it’s limited. I know some of you are just starting, or you may be working full-time, stay at home moms or like me, homeschooling mothers. We don’t always have time to spend hours in front of the computer. What do you concentrate on then?

If I had to choose only two things to focus on for your blog, I’d choose your email newsletter and Pinterest. Both will be more profitable and offer the best ROI to generate income and traffic. At least that is the case for me. If you’re rocking Facebook or another platform, then you need to be where your readers are. There are two checklists depending on where you are in your blogging journey.

And if you want to create your own schedule, I’ve also included a blank page for you to use as well.

Grab your daily blog schedule here >>>



Grab this printable to ensure you've included everything you need in your blog post

Blog Post Checklist


The best way to grow your blog is to ensure that you have an email list and to have multiple optin opportunities for your readers to sign up for your list

If you want to know How to set up a subscriber freebie, take a look at the tutorial for Mailchimp and Mad Mimi

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